#4차 산업혁명#바이오#미래

[K-MOOC] Innovative Biotechnology Free Certificate 한국어 ‎(ko)‎

  • Recruiting People1,000 people

  • Target ClassALL

  • Enrollment Period01-01-2024 ~ 02-01-2025

  • Learning recognition Period18hours 42min

  • Learning period01-01-2024 ~ 02-20-2025

  • Payment StatusFree

  • Approval MethodAutomatic Approval

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Class Introduction

In the 21st century, the field of bio holds immense significance, emerging as the next frontier after IT. Although it may seem challenging to comprehend concepts like anti-cancer drugs, stem cells, and artificial organs, this lecture simplifies advanced bio topics, offering an accessible explanation. Providing a bird's eye view of human science, biopharmaceuticals, brain bio, and the future of humanity in the 4th Industrial Revolution, this lecture is not a daunting biology textbook. Instead, it delves into advanced biotechnology through engaging narratives featuring movie characters, historical figures, and everyday individuals in your neighborhood.In the 21st century, the field of bio holds immense significance, emerging as the next frontier after IT. Although it may seem challenging to comprehend concepts like anti-cancer drugs, stem cells, and artificial organs, this lecture simplifies advanced bio topics, offering an accessible explanation. Providing a bird's eye view of human science, biopharmaceuticals, brain bio, and the future of humanity in the 4th Industrial Revolution, this lecture is not a daunting biology textbook. Instead, it delves into advanced biotechnology through engaging narratives featuring movie characters, historical figures, and everyday individuals in your neighborhood.

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