#물리# 상대성이론# 전자기# 천문

[K-MOOC] Physics for Everyone Free Certificate

  • Recruiting People1,000 people

  • Target ClassALL

  • Enrollment Period01-01-2024 ~ 02-01-2025

  • Learning recognition Period39hours 2min

  • Learning period01-01-2024 ~ 02-20-2025

  • Payment StatusFree

  • Approval MethodAutomatic Approval

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Class Introduction

Physics, the study of natural principles, has paved the way for the modern world we enjoy today. From smartphones to medical diagnostics like CT and MRI, nuclear bombs, satellites, spacecraft, and even the mysteries of the universe's origin, our technological advancements are rooted in our understanding of nature through physics.

However, it's important to differentiate between learning physics and using physics to achieve specific results. Physics is not solely about understanding the end products like smartphones or nuclear bombs; rather, it involves the underlying reasoning that leads to such discoveries. Many breakthroughs in physics, such as electromagnetic waves, E=mc², and antimatter, were not direct goals but emerged from the quest to comprehend the laws of nature.

The journey of modern physics started in 1687 with Newton's laws of motion and universal gravitation. These laws not only explained planetary motion but also applied to all objects in nature, leading many to believe they had unraveled the ultimate truth about nature. However, as the 20th century approached, certain phenomena surfaced, challenging the completeness of classical physics. This led to the emergence of quantum mechanics and relativity, forming the foundation of modern physics, which governs the world of atoms and molecules and offers a better understanding of space and time.

Physics is more than just a collection of knowledge; it is a captivating storyline of human progress in understanding the fundamental workings of the universe. This success story reveals how seemingly complex phenomena can be distilled into simple, elegant laws. It shows that many laws of physics are different ways of expressing just a few fundamental principles, unifying the study of nature under a coherent framework.

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